Join us on December 8 at IDRA WORLD CONGRESS in Abu Dhabi, UAE for competition insights and networking.
The American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA) mission is to promote, advocate and advance the understanding and application of membrane technology to create safe, affordable and reliable water supplies, and to treat municipal, industrial and agricultural wastewater for beneficial use.
American Membrane Technology Assoc., Inc.
The Water Desalination Report (WDR) is a weekly round-up of all the latest desalination, membrane, and water reuse industry news. Published since 1965, WDR is the most reliable source of up-to-date news for the sector. The report provides insider knowledge on plants, project, technologies, companies, shortlists, key industry figures, events and jobs - helping navigate market trends and developments, get sales leads, and keep an eye on the competition.
Global Water Intelligence/Water Desal Report
The International Desalination Association (IDA), founded in 1973, serves as the global nexus for the desalination and water reuse community. As a non-profit, non-political organization, IDA extends its reach to members in over 60 countries, in addition to 15 affiliate member organizations, encompassing both regional and national entities. Its diverse membership includes scientists, developers, off-takers, regulators, end-users, engineers, consultants, media representatives, and researchers, hailing from governments, corporations, and academia. IDA operates as an NGO with consultative status recognized by the United Nations ECOSOC and as a member of the UN Water Special Framework for Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG), hosted by the UN FAO Land and Water Division.
International Desalination and Reuse Association (IDRA)
NAMS is the only professional society in North America that promotes all aspects of membrane science and technology. This ranges from fundamental studies of membrane material science to process application and development.
North American Membrane Society (NAMS)
The National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) is a consortium established to address the challenges of securing an affordable, energy-efficient, and resilient water supply for the US economy. It focuses on decentralized, fit-for-purpose desalination and treatment of nontraditional source waters for public water supplies. Founded in 2019, NAWI is supported by a $100M grant from the U.S. Department of Energy and is headquartered at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The consortium includes 100 members from industry, academia, and government, and operates in collaboration with several national laboratories and industry partners. NAWI's mission emphasizes the development of innovative, cost-effective, and energy-efficient technologies for clean water production from nontraditional sources like seawater, brackish groundwater, and industrial or municipal wastewater.
National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI)
SustainChain™ is a public service platform developed in partnership with the United Nations to help to accelerate progress on the SDGs. The platform catalyzes guided action via an AI-powered convergence of innovators, investors, and agents of change working across global supply chains.
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a not-for-profit technical and educational organization of more than 30,000 individual members and 75 affiliated Member Associations (MAs) representing water quality professionals around the world. Since 1928, WEF and its members have protected public health and the environment. WEF and its global network of members and member associations provide water quality professionals around the world with the latest in water quality education, training, and business opportunities. WEF’s diverse membership includes scientists, engineers, regulators, academics, utility managers, plant operators, and other professionals. WEF uses this collective knowledge to further a shared goal of improving water quality around the world and a life free of water challenges.
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XPRIZE Water Scarcity teams are looking for support in the following areas: